Wednesday, October 19, 2011


As I see it in my cracked and filthy crystal ball, there are two possible disasters looming on the horizon in November 2012.  The first disaster would be if Barack Obama loses the election, and Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, or some other regressive occupies the White House.  The second disaster would be if Barack Obama wins the election.  After nearly three years, I no longer delude myself that Obama is a liberal.  (That some on the right are so delusional as to think him a socialist is downright laughable.)  He has ignored us and insulted us—let no one forget Rahm Ehmanuel’s description of progressives as “fucking retarded.”  You can only treat your base with contempt if you know that you don’t need them, and since most Democrats aren’t all that progressive, he’s right.  I am also doubtful that he can be “educated” into pushing a progressive agenda.  His new reputation for “fighting” for progressive causes is wholly inadequate—much too little, much too late.  He may have had some (very few) words of sympathy for the #Occupiers, but his policies remain, at best, Republican Lite (health care reform that favors private insurance monopolies, deficit reduction tailored to Republican wishes, pipelines, ongoing wars, vetoing Palestinian recognition at the United Nations--you name it, he’s doing it), and at worst, exacerbations of Bush’s excesses (targeted assassinations of American citizens, stepped-up stings of supposed would-be terrorists).  It is almost as if Dubya had been given that perpetual Presidency that Kevin and I worried might be coming way back in the dark days after 9/11.  So while I am certain we’ll be worse off under President Romney or Perry or Cain, I am equally certain we will be no better off with Four More Years.

            The problem is, as I and many others have pointed out, there is No. Fucking. Progressive. Party.  There is a conservative party, known as Democrats, and a reactionary party, known as Republicans.  And there is, for all intents and purposes, a reactionary’s reactionary party, called the Tea Party.  A true leftist voice is almost entirely impossible to hear in the United States government in any capacity.  (Okay, there’s good ol’ Bernie Sanders ... and if she gets into the Senate, there’ll be Elizabeth Warren—she’s pretty left-leaning, isn’t she?)  My heart’s wholly with the #Occupiers, but even if their movement picks up steam and numbers and media attention (and at this point it seems that is happening), it is by no means assured that they’ll have any influence on the Democrats or anyone else running for office.  The money power just isn’t there, and without money, you can’t buy power.  It really is as blunt as that.  The Teabaggers are funded by the likes of Dick Armey and the Koch Brothers, and no wonder, since they’re anti-regulation, anti-tax, anti-social welfare—the 1% fucking love the stupid Teabaggers!  They’re perfect examples of what Stalin called “useful idiots.”   And the way things are going, they’ll probably get their guy, whoever he (or she—Michelle Bachmann’s not out of the running yet) turns out to be, into the White House, since they’ll be able to buy the election—or rig it, whichever tactic proves necessary.  After all, the real Golden Rule is “whoever has the gold makes the rules” ... which pretty well sums up Citizens United.

            I really hope something BIG happens as a result of #Occupy Wall Street.  We need it.  I will save my own prescription for a future society for another time.  I’m feeling too pessimistic to go on with it right now.  And so I’ll conclude on an upbeat note, courtesy of a clever and uplifting sign carried by one of the #Occupiers, which I saw in a photo online the other day:


            Maybe—just maybe—the guy who came up with that sign has a better crystal ball than mine.  Damn, I hope so.

--Joshua Hendrickson